The methods used were characterized by a member of the Cleveland Foundation Survey Committee as "the actuarial basis of vocational education."
"Wage Earning and Education"
R. R. Lutz
In my day we would talk about anything, from the Greek feeling about landscape to the principles the Romans would have taken as the basis of actuarial tables, if they had had them.
"The Adventure of Living"
John St. Loe Strachey
It was Jim who took command of his house, "bossed" his two female servants, arranged his railway tours, superintended his kitchen-with a view to his own individual tastes; valeted him, kept his cigars within a certain prescribed limit by a firm actuarial principle which transferred any surplus to his own use; gave him good advice, weighed up his friends and his enemies with shrewd sense; and protected him from bores and cranks, borrowers and "dead-beats."
"The World For Sale, Volume 2."
Gilbert Parker