This superstition of witchcraft has here been strong in all eras, but it is at last becoming extinct; cretinism, as anachronous and as horrible,-a fact, not a superstition,-remains unaccounted for and unlessened.
"A Midsummer Drive Through The Pyrenees"
Edwin Asa Dix
For he belonged to the local chapter of the Knights of Pythias, and when a fellow-member in good standing was forced to resign, William Rudd donned his black suit, his odd-looking cocked hat with the plume, and the anachronous sword, which he carried as one would expect a shoe clerk to carry a sword.
"In a Little Town"
Rupert Hughes
It had not justified its survival in our efficient days, it had held out-thanks to Perry-with absurd and anachronous persistence against the inevitable consolidation.
"The Complete PG Edition of The Works of Winston Churchill"
Winston Churchill