What is another word for anciently?

Pronunciation: [ˈe͡ɪnʃəntli] (IPA)

Anciently, meaning in the distant past, can be replaced with several synonyms to add variety to a piece of writing. Words such as "formerly" give the same meaning, as do "previously," "antiquatedly," and "archaically". Alternatively, "primordially," "primevally," and "primitively" also convey the same sense of ancientness. In addition, "long ago," "ages ago," "time immemorial," "in the olden days," and "once upon a time" are phrases that can be used in place of "anciently." In summary, choosing the correct synonym for "anciently" can help to add depth and interest to written work.

What are the hypernyms for Anciently?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for anciently?

Anciently refers to something that dates back to a long time ago. Its antonyms, on the other hand, are synonyms of modernity and recentness. Words like currently, presently, and nowadays all indicate a contemporary and current state. Other antonyms include newly and freshly, which suggest something recently created, formed, or discovered. Anachronistically and anachronously are more complex antonyms, indicating something that does not belong to the time or era in which it exists. Meanwhile, such words as futuristically, forward-looking, and futuristically point towards the future and its upcoming developments, radically different from what is anciently known.

What are the antonyms for Anciently?

Usage examples for Anciently

anciently the towers were ornamented with very lofty spires.
"Account of a Tour in Normandy, Vol. II. (of 2)"
Dawson Turner
It will be the aim of this work to seek for them, and ascertain their limits; which have often varied anciently: while in modern times the European colonies and states have invaded them in all directions.
"The American Nations, Vol. I."
C. S. Rafinesque
This possession, by rental, or by simple entry upon the rent-roll, was anciently a common, and peculiarly sacred, species of property, granted by a chief to his faithful followers; the connection of landlord and tenant being esteemed of a nature too formal to be necessary, where there was honour upon one side, and gratitude upon the other.
"Minstrelsy of the Scottish border (3rd ed) (1 of 3)"
Walter Scott

Famous quotes with Anciently

  • The great dialectic in our time is not, as anciently and by some still supposed, between capital and labor; it is between economic enterprise and the state.
    John Kenneth Galbraith
  • If it be granted that the Britons, generally speaking, were expert in hunting, it is still uncertain what animals were obnoxious to the chase; we know however, at least, that the hare was not anciently included; for Cæser tells us, "the Britons did not eat the flesh of hares, notwithstanding the island abounded with them." And this abstinence, he adds, arose from a principle of religion; which principle, no doubt, prevented them from being worried to death: a cruelty reserved for more enlightened ages.
    Joseph Strutt
  • I have been told by some anciently conversant with the Stage, that it was not Originally his, but brought by a private Author to be Acted and he only gave some Master-touches to one or two of the Principal Parts or Characters; this I am apt to believe, because 'tis the most incorrect and indigested piece in all his Works, It seems rather a heap of Rubbish then a Structure.
    Edward Ravenscroft

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