It must thenceforth be antioch or nothing.
"The Ancient East"
D. G. Hogarth
Thus have I endeavoured to state the progress of the Cuthites under their different appellations to Greece; and to describe the rout which they took in their peregrinations, I have shewn, that under the title of Phenicians and Cadmians, they first settled in Canaan, and in the region about Tyre and Sidon: from whence they extended themselves towards the midland parts of Syria; where they built antioch.
"A New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume II. (of VI.)"
Jacob Bryant
Towards the end of 1822, Wolff visited antioch and Aleppo, just before the terrible earthquake visitation of the latter city, when hundreds of Jews confessed that the truth of the Gospel could not be denied.
"Some Jewish Witnesses For Christ"
Rev. A. Bernstein, B.D.