What is another word for Antiquities?

Pronunciation: [antˈɪkwɪtiz] (IPA)

Antiquities refer to ancient or old objects, artifacts, or relics that hold historical or cultural significance. Some synonyms for the word antiquities include artifacts, heirlooms, antiques, rarities, antiquarian items, and relics. These terms are often used interchangeably, though each holds a slightly different connotation. For example, antiques generally refer to old items that have unique aesthetic qualities or are highly valued. Relics, on the other hand, carry religious or spiritual connotations and are often associated with saints or holy people. Regardless of the specific term used, antiquities reflect a rich and complex history and provide valuable insight into the civilization and culture of past societies.

What are the paraphrases for Antiquities?

Paraphrases are restatements of text or speech using different words and phrasing to convey the same meaning.
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
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What are the hypernyms for Antiquities?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.
  • Other hypernyms:

    Artifacts, relics, archaeological finds, cultural items, historic items.

Usage examples for Antiquities

The Antiquities of the old, old town are kept for it, and not permitted to decay; the ancient tesselated pavements of Roman villas carefully protected from the weather; the remnants of the enclosing walls which the legions built for their defence saved from destruction; the coins of the emperors and of our own early kings collected; the spurs, swords, spearheads, all the fragments of past ages arranged for inspection and study by every one who desires to ponder over them.
"Hodge and His Masters"
Richard Jefferies
I had already been carried back into former days, by the Antiquities of that venerable place; the examination of which is equal to turning over the pages of a black-letter volume, or gazing on the pictures in Froissart.
"Bracebridge Hall, or The Humorists"
Washington Irving
To a man from a young country, all old things are in a manner new; and he may surely be excused in being a little curious about Antiquities, whose native land, unfortunately, cannot boast of a single ruin.
"Bracebridge Hall, or The Humorists"
Washington Irving

Famous quotes with Antiquities

  • Antiquities are history defaced, or some remnants of history which have casually escaped the shipwreck of time.
    Francis Bacon
  • Antiquities are history defaced, or some remnants of history which have casually escaped the shipwreck of time.
    Francis Bacon
  • Dicæarchus in his book of Antiquities, describing Greece, relates that under Saturn, that is in the Golden Age, when the ground brought forth all things abundantly, no one ate flesh, but every one lived on field produce and fruits which the earth bore of itself.

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