What is another word for aplodontiidae?

Pronunciation: [ɐplˈɒdəntˌɪɪdˌiː] (IPA)

Aplodontiidae is a family of rodent-like mammals known as mountain beavers. However, there are some synonyms that are used to refer to this family. One of the synonyms is Aplodontidae, which refers to the same rodent-like mammals. Another synonym is the scientific name Aplodontida, which is sometimes used interchangeably with Aplodontiidae. Additionally, some people refer to them as the Sewellel family, which is named after one of the species in this family, the Pacific mountain beaver or Sewellel. Regardless of the name used, these mammals are known for their unique dental structure, which is different from those of other rodents.

Synonyms for Aplodontiidae:

What are the hypernyms for Aplodontiidae?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.
  • Other hypernyms:

    Eutheria (Placental mammals), Rodentia (rodents), mammalia (mammals).

What are the hyponyms for Aplodontiidae?

Hyponyms are more specific words categorized under a broader term, known as a hypernym.

What are the holonyms for Aplodontiidae?

Holonyms are words that denote a whole whose part is denoted by another word.

What are the meronyms for Aplodontiidae?

Meronyms are words that refer to a part of something, where the whole is denoted by another word.

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