The angel who to one man is protection, to another shall be teaching and inspiration; to another shall appear with chariots of fire and horses of fire to sweep the rapt soul heavenward; to another shall draw near as a deliverer from his fetters, at whose touch the bonds shall fall from off him; to another shall appear as the instructor in duty and the Appointer of a path of service, like that vision that shone in the castle to the Apostle Paul, and said, 'Thou must bear witness for me at Rome'; to another shall appear as opening the door of heaven and letting a flood of light come down upon his darkened heart, as to the Apocalyptic seer in his rocky Patmos.
"Expositions of Holy Scripture Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers"
Alexander Maclaren
Diomed, who was rather ceremonious, had appointed a nomenclator, or Appointer of places to each guest.
"The Last Days of Pompeii"
Edward George Bulwer-Lytton