What is another word for Apposed?

Pronunciation: [ɐpˈə͡ʊzd] (IPA)

Apposed is a verb that means to place side by side, to set in juxtaposition. Some synonyms for the word apposed include juxtaposed, positioned, set, placed, arranged alongside, lined up, situated. The word apposed is often used in the context of comparisons or contrasts between two objects or ideas. For example, "The two paintings were apposed for comparison." As such, synonyms like compared, contrasted, analyzed, evaluated, and examined can also be used to convey similar meaning. Using synonyms for apposed can help add variety and precision to your writing and communication.

What are the hypernyms for Apposed?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

Usage examples for Apposed

A layer of wadding is placed in the bend of the elbow to separate the Apposed skin surfaces, the arm placed in a sling so arranged as to support the elbow, and fixed to the side by a body bandage.
"Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities--Head--Neck. Sixth Edition."
Alexander Miles Alexis Thomson

Related words: opposite, opposite word, antonym, reverse, reverses, reply, reply to, retort

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