The underlying principle involved is, primarily, the fact that the cacao bears its crop directly upon the main branches and trunk, and not upon spurs or twigs; secondly, that wood under three years is rarely fruitful, and that only upon stems or branches of five years or upward does the maximum fruitfulness occur; that the seat of inflorescence is directly over the axil of a fallen leaf, from whence the flowers are born at irregular times throughout the year.
"Cacao Culture in the Philippines"
William S. Lyon
In each axil are 2 peduncles.
"The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines"
T. H. Pardo de Tavera
Petioles long with two awl-shaped stipules at the base, and a large violet spot in the axil.
"The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines"
T. H. Pardo de Tavera