16,730. Is it the case that on the coast of Fife, and in the eastern district of banff, the fishermen are not in debt to the curers at all?
"Second Shetland Truck System Report"
William Guthrie
It would be a hopeless as well as an endless task to record Mr Paterson's victories at the Highland and Royal Northern Societies' shows at Elgin, Aberdeen, banff, Huntly, and Dufftown, where he has often got everything his own way.
"Cattle and Cattle-breeders"
William M'Combie
The following remarks apply to Aberdeen, banff, and Moray shires: our provincial jobbers are a host in themselves, and are a very heterogeneous multitude: from the man who can pay thousands, through all the intermediate stages, down to the man that buys a beast and cannot lift it unless he can sell it there and then for a profit.
"Cattle and Cattle-breeders"
William M'Combie