What is another word for bangle?

Pronunciation: [bˈaŋɡə͡l] (IPA)

A bangle is a graceful piece of jewelry worn around the wrist. It comes in a variety of styles and materials, including metal, glass, plastic, and even wood. However, if you want to get creative with your wording when describing a bangle, there are several synonyms you can try. For instance, you can call it an armlet, wristlet, or bracelet. Additionally, you can use the word cuff, torque, or even loop to describe the way the jewelry wraps around the wrist. So whether you want to describe a chunky, multi-colored bangle or a dainty gold one, there are plenty of synonyms at your disposal.

Synonyms for Bangle:

What are the hypernyms for Bangle?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the hyponyms for Bangle?

Hyponyms are more specific words categorized under a broader term, known as a hypernym.

What are the meronyms for Bangle?

Meronyms are words that refer to a part of something, where the whole is denoted by another word.
  • meronyms for bangle (as nouns)

Usage examples for Bangle

Yes, she recognised the light eyelashes, and the jingling gold bangle and the light almost inaudible laugh, which every time the red dog with pricked ears fell off his knee convulsed him like an earthquake.
"The Song of Songs"
Hermann Sudermann
Finally he produced a little silver bangle hung with curious silver coins which he put on Elsie's wrist for her very own, and a knife in a sheath for Dick.
"The Drummer's Coat"
J. W. Fortescue
I was pondering it when I discovered that my bangle with the miniature, which I always wear, wasn't on my wrist.
"Olivia in India"
O. Douglas

Famous quotes with Bangle

  • ... my mother will settle on the rug and unclip the bellows, pulling and pushing them with a mild aquatic motion with her left hand, the fingers of the right hand flowering upon the keys, the wedding-bangle suspended around her wrist. Each time the bellows are pushed, the round holes on the back open and close like eyes. Without the body music is not possible; it provides the hollow space for resonance as does the curved wooden box of the violin or the round urn of the sitar. At the moment of singing, breath tips in the swelling diaphragm as water does in a pitcher. The voice-box itself is a microscopic harp, its cords tautening and relaxing with each inflection.
    Amit Chaudhuri

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