What is another word for became one?

Pronunciation: [bɪkˌe͡ɪm wˈɒn] (IPA)

The phrase "became one" can be replaced by several synonyms that convey the sense of unity or oneness. Words like united, amalgamated, merged, combined, integrated, joined, fused, and coalesced can be used depending on the context. These synonyms imply the process of two or more separate elements coming together to form a synergistic whole. They represent the idea of individuals or entities working in harmony towards a common goal, often resulting in a stronger and more cohesive outcome. These synonyms are commonly used in contexts such as social groups, organizations, marriages, and collaborations in any industry.

Synonyms for Became one:

What are the hypernyms for Became one?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for became one?

"Became one" is a phrase that denotes unification or the joining of two or more things. Antonyms for this phrase could include words that connote division, separation, or disintegration. Some antonyms for "became one" could be "divergent," "disunited," "disconnected," "separate," "sundered," and "segregated." These words imply that there is a sense of disconnect, difference or separation between the elements involved. On the other hand, synonyms for "became one" include words like "merged," "fused," "joined," "conjoined," and "integrated," which denote coherence, union, and harmony. Antonyms and synonyms for this phrase are important to understand when communicating effectively and conveying specific ideas about unity and disunity.

What are the antonyms for Became one?

Famous quotes with Became one

  • In the mid-'60s in Berkeley, the theory of measure spaces of economic agents became one of my main interests.
    Gerard Debreu
  • I just became one with my browser software.
    Bill Griffith
  • I believe I became one of the first singers to be launched via television exposure. I guess I was a new kind of musical stylist for a new kind of media.
    Brenda Lee
  • Just the actual physical ability to hold four instruments simultaneously and do some of the things that Vivien was able to do is mind blowing to any surgeon. He never went to medical school and he became one of the great teachers of medicine himself, people are just amazed.
    Mary Stuart Masterson
  • I became a Communist because I fell in love with a man who was a Red and entered the Army to take care of the Fascists, and I knew it would please him if I became one.
    Karen Morley

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