And to assume that the savage, as we know him, began to believe in his gods because of a number of scientific reasons, such as the belief in universal causation, or any of the other profound speculations with which the modern theologian beclouds the issue, is as absurd as to attribute the belief of the Salvation Army preacher to philosophical speculations.
"A Grammar of Freethought"
Chapman Cohen
"As the lights touched the water a purple glow that was to it like the ashen hue that beclouds the face of the dying.
"See America First"
Orville O. Hiestand
Vice, preached the divines, beclouds the reason, leaving it progressively incapable of controlling the passions: Follies, if uncontroul'd, of every kind, Grow into passions, and subdue the mind.
"The Gamester (1753)"
Edward Moore Commentator: Charles H. Peake Phillip R. Wikelund