What is another word for becomes adept in?

Pronunciation: [bɪkˌʌmz ɐdˈɛpt ˈɪn] (IPA)

When someone becomes adept in something, they have developed a high level of skill or expertise in that particular area. There are many other ways to express this concept using synonyms such as mastering, proficient, skilled, talented, well-versed, experienced, accomplished, polished, and expert. Each of these words suggests a high level of competency and efficiency in a given skill or discipline. Becoming adept in something takes time, effort, and plenty of practice, and it is a great feeling to achieve mastery in any given field. These synonyms help to capture the sense of accomplishment and pride that comes with becoming highly skilled in any area of life.

Synonyms for Becomes adept in:

What are the hypernyms for Becomes adept in?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for becomes adept in?

When it comes to antonyms for "becomes adept in," there are a few options to consider. One could use inexperienced or unfamiliar to describe someone who has not yet become skilled in a particular area. Another option might be the word incompetent, which suggests a lack of ability or knowledge. Another antonym could be amateurish or unskilled, indicating a lack of professional ability or expertise. It's important to keep in mind that antonyms can vary in meaning depending on context, so it's always best to choose the word that best fits the situation at hand.

What are the antonyms for Becomes adept in?

Related words: becomes adept in, adept at, adeptness, become adept, become expert in

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