What is another word for blackening?

Pronunciation: [blˈakənɪŋ] (IPA)

Blackening is a term used to describe the process of darkening or make something black. While this term is more commonly used in relation to cooking methods, it can also be used to describe the process of tarnishing or dirtying an object or surface. Synonyms for the word blackening include darkening, shading, staining, discolouring, colouring, tarnishing, dulling and obscuring. In cooking, blackening typically refers to the process of searing meat or fish in a hot skillet with a blend of spices. However, in other contexts, it can refer to any process that results in the darkening or obscuring of a surface.

Synonyms for Blackening:

What are the paraphrases for Blackening?

Paraphrases are restatements of text or speech using different words and phrasing to convey the same meaning.
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What are the hypernyms for Blackening?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the hyponyms for Blackening?

Hyponyms are more specific words categorized under a broader term, known as a hypernym.

What are the opposite words for blackening?

The antonyms for the word "blackening" include words such as clarify, brighten, illuminate, lighten, and whiten. Clarify refers to making something clear or easy to understand, while brighten pertains to making something more colorful or shiny. Illuminate means to provide light or to enlighten, while lighten refers to making something less heavy or burdensome. Lastly, whiten means to make something white or to bleach it. These antonyms provide a range of contrasting meanings to the term blackening, which generally refers to making something dark, murky, or charred. Together, they demonstrate the breadth and diversity of language and the importance of choosing the right words to convey accurate meaning.

What are the antonyms for Blackening?

Usage examples for Blackening

I muttered, and I saw his face blackening under my grip.
Victoria Cross
Here was the ever-blackening shadow of unemployment, the mutterings of social discontent, the agitators on the soap-boxes, the workers listening to them with more and more eager attention, and the journalists and politicians and bankers watching this phenomenon with a ghastly fear.
"The Book of Life: Vol. I Mind and Body; Vol. II Love and Society"
Upton Sinclair
It was difficult to hold to the sledges as we shot over the blackening snows.
"My Attainment of the Pole"
Frederick A. Cook

Famous quotes with Blackening

  • [To read a novel or see a play was to drink life through a straw — to smoke it through a filter-tip. If we were not afraid of blackening our teeth or riddling our lungs with cancer — if we were a dauntless race of men with strong digestions — we would be able to devour life without the aid of these over-civilized devices.
    Quentin Crisp
  • His eyes All radiant with glad surprise, Looked forward through the Centuries And saw the seeds which sages cast In the world’s soil in cycles past Spring up and blossom at the last; Saw how the souls of men had grown, And where the scythes of Truth had mown Clear space for Liberty’s white throne; Saw how, by sorrow tried and proved, The blackening stains had been removed Forever from the land he loved; Saw Treason crushed and Freedom crowned, And clamorous Faction, gagged and bound, Gasping its life out on the ground.
    Richard Realf
  • We had stayed up all night — my friends and I — beneath mosque lamps hanging from the ceiling. Their brass domes were filigreed, starred like our souls; just as, again like our souls, they were illuminated by the imprisoned brilliance of an electric heart. On the opulent oriental rugs, we had crushed our ancestral lethargy, arguing all the way to the final frontiers of logic and blackening reams of paper with delirious writings.
    Filippo Tommaso Marinetti

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