What is another word for Blarneying?

Pronunciation: [blˈɑːnɪɪŋ] (IPA)

Blarneying refers to the act of flattering, cajoling, or wheedling someone with the aim of gaining an advantage or favor. Some synonyms for the word "blarneying" include buttering up, sweet-talking, praising, flattering, and soft-soaping. Similar terms that convey the same idea include coaxing, persuading, flattery, seduction, and wheedling. In any situation where you need to convince or persuade someone to do something, blarneying and its synonyms can come in handy. However, it's worth noting that using these tactics excessively may come across as insincere or manipulative, so it's important to use them with care and tact.

Synonyms for Blarneying:

What are the hypernyms for Blarneying?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for Blarneying?

Blarneying is a term that means flattering or sweet-talking in order to persuade or charm someone. Antonyms are words that have the opposite meaning of a given term. Therefore, antonyms for blarneying would be words that denote being brutally honest, frank, or direct. Antonyms for blarneying include terms like criticizing, reprimanding, chastising, and reproaching. Alternatively, antonyms for blarneying could also be terms like avoiding flattery, being honest, or using straightforward communication.

What are the antonyms for Blarneying?

Usage examples for Blarneying

As far back as Brandon could remember, the quaint Irishman had been the same wrinkled, nut-brown, merry-eyed comedian that he was to-day, and Mary the same serene, Blarneying wife of the man.
"The Hollow of Her Hand"
George Barr McCutcheon
And they listen to his Blarneying, and say, Aiwa, Saadat!
"The Weavers, Complete"
Gilbert Parker Last Updated: March 14, 2009
Thought I was all fine, warm heart and Blarneying words.
"Mrs. Red Pepper"
Grace S. Richmond

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