What is another word for BLS?

Pronunciation: [bˌiːˌɛlˈɛs] (IPA)

BLS or Basic Life Support refers to the emergency medical care provided to individuals who are experiencing a life-threatening medical situation. However, there are many other synonyms for BLS. Some of these synonyms include Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Emergency Medical Services (EMS), First Aid, Advanced Life Support (ALS), and Trauma Care. Each of these synonyms is associated with a specific type of emergency medical situation. While they all aim to save a life, they differ in the level of care provided. For instance, First Aid refers to immediate care provided to an individual before professional medical help arrives, while ALS involves more advanced medical care and life-support equipment.

Synonyms for Bls:

What are the hypernyms for Bls?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

Usage examples for Bls

A Prize is arrivd in Salem taken by one of our Privateers, said to have on board 1500 BLS of Flour, 1400 BLS of Beef and Pork, besides dry Goods.
"The Original Writings of Samuel Adams, Volume 4"
Samuel Adams

Famous quotes with Bls

  • It was an initiation into the love of learning, of learning how to learn, that was revealed to me by my BLS masters as a matter of interdisciplinary cognition-that is, learning to know something by its relation to something else.
    Leonard Bernstein

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