What is another word for brushed away?

Pronunciation: [bɹˈʌʃt ɐwˈe͡ɪ] (IPA)

Brushed away is a phrase used to describe the action of removing something from a surface or situation. Synonyms for this phrase include dismissed, ignored, eradicated, eliminated, erased, wiped out, swept aside, overlooked, abolished, annulled, and expunged. These synonyms can be used depending on the context of the situation. For example, if someone is trying to forget a past mistake, they can say that they have brushed away their regrets. Similarly, if someone is trying to remove all traces of a stain, they can say that they have wiped it out or eradicated it completely. Using synonyms can add variety and depth to our writing and communication skills.

Synonyms for Brushed away:

What are the hypernyms for Brushed away?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for brushed away?

Brushed away is an action that refers to removing something, usually from a surface. The antonyms for this phrase are to add, attach, or affix something instead. These actions involve placing an object onto a surface, rather than removing it. For example, instead of brushing away crumbs from a table, one might sprinkle sugar onto it. Alternatively, instead of brushing away dirt from a car, one may apply wax to it. Other antonyms include fixing, fastening, bonding, gluing, and sticking, all of which involve adding or attaching something to a surface, rather than removing it. In general, antonyms for 'brushed away' involve the act of improving, rather than removing or discarding something.

What are the antonyms for Brushed away?

Famous quotes with Brushed away

  • I endured many weeks of it, but I had a big background in martial arts and fighting as a kid, so kind of all the problems got brushed away and I was ready.
    Jason Statham
  • The crippling human cover spread over the living layer of the Earth must forcibly be made lighter: breathing holes must be punctured in this blanket and the ecological footprint of man brushed away. Forms of boastful consumption must violently be crushed, the natality of the species violently controlled, and the number of those already born violently reduced — by any means possible.
    Pentti Linkola

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