What is another word for bureaucracy?

Pronunciation: [bjʊ͡əɹˈɒkɹəsˌi] (IPA)

Bureaucracy, the administrative system used by governments and other institutions, has many synonyms. Some of the most common synonyms for bureaucracy include red tape, paperwork, administration, authority, and government machinery. The term "red tape" is often used to describe the excessive paperwork and regulations that make it difficult to get things done in a timely manner. "Administration" refers to the organization and management of a system or institution. "Authority" signifies the power and control that a bureaucracy implements over the people. "Government machinery" is a broader term that refers to the entire apparatus of a governmental system, including all levels of bureaucracy. These synonyms all capture different aspects of the bureaucratic system, highlighting its complexity and often stagnant nature.

Synonyms for Bureaucracy:

What are the paraphrases for Bureaucracy?

Paraphrases are restatements of text or speech using different words and phrasing to convey the same meaning.
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
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What are the hypernyms for Bureaucracy?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.
  • hypernyms for bureaucracy (as nouns)

What are the hyponyms for Bureaucracy?

Hyponyms are more specific words categorized under a broader term, known as a hypernym.

What are the meronyms for Bureaucracy?

Meronyms are words that refer to a part of something, where the whole is denoted by another word.

Usage examples for Bureaucracy

The nation has been saved from a bureaucracy, such as prevails over the greater part of Europe, on the one hand, and from the American spoils system on the other, by the sharp distinction between political and non-political officials.
"The Government of England (Vol. I)"
A. Lawrence Lowell
These evils have become so marked in the case of some governments as to give rise to the ill name of bureaucracy.
"The Government of England (Vol. I)"
A. Lawrence Lowell
If, on the other hand, he tries, with the best intentions, to go too much into detail, nothing is easier than the trick, familiar, probably, to every bureaucracy, of overwhelming him with detail.
"The Government of England (Vol. I)"
A. Lawrence Lowell

Famous quotes with Bureaucracy

  • Temporary teams of trusted people are generally sent to all Departments and to major agencies of government to assist in planning and to acquaint the incoming administration with the civil servants and bureaucracy that will remain in place in the new Administration.
    Richard V. Allen
  • I've never been married and I've no more desire to be married now than I ever have. I hate bureaucracy and I am not religious.
    Francesca Annis
  • I'm against big bureaucracy in Washington making health care decisions. I just have an aversion to bureaucrats. But it's not just government bureaucrats. I don't like HMO bureaucrats and insurance company bureaucrats either.
    Gary Bauer
  • Misdirected focus on paperwork, on procedures, and on bureaucracy frustrates teachers and fails to give children the education they need.
    Christopher Bond
  • We will cut programs, we will try to rein in the size of the bureaucracy. We will bring federal pay scales that have become so exaggerated into line with market rates.
    Eric Cantor

Related words: bureaucracy in business organizations, bureaucracy in healthcare organizations, bureaucracy in education organizations, bureaucracy in government organizations, bureaucracy in ngo's, bureaucracy in nonprofit organizations, bureaucratic model organizations

Related questions:

  • What is bureaucracy in an organization?
  • How to avoid bureaucracy in organizations?
  • What are the consequences of bureaucracy in an organization?
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