What is another word for can be found?

Pronunciation: [kan biː fˈa͡ʊnd] (IPA)

There are numerous synonyms for the phrase "can be found" which can enhance your content, adding richness and depth to your writing. Some options include "located," "discovered," "unearthed," "spotted," "identified," "detected," "observed," "encountered," "recognized," "uncovered," and "tracked down." Each of these words conveys a slightly different nuance, allowing you to convey a specific tone or meaning to your readers. To add variety and interest to your writing, consider trying out different synonyms for this common phrase and see how it impacts the overall tone and flow of your content.

Synonyms for Can be found:

What are the hypernyms for Can be found?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

Famous quotes with Can be found

  • In Mexico you have death very close. That's true for all human beings because it's a part of life, but in Mexico, death can be found in many things.
    Gael Garcia Bernal
  • I believe, however, that such abnormal moments can be found in everyone, and it is all the more fortunate when they occur in individuals with creative talent or with clairvoyant powers.
    Giorgio de Chirico
  • Tomorrow morning before we depart, I intend to land and see what can be found in the neighborhood.
    Christopher Columbus
  • In this administration, a place can be found for every bad man.
    John Philpot Curran
  • Yes, influences are enriching, and they can be found in every work of art, even the most original.
    Lukas Foss

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