What is another word for capital funds?

Pronunciation: [kˈapɪtə͡l fˈʌndz] (IPA)

Capital funds refer to financial resources used to start or expand a business or to invest in an already existing one. There are several synonyms for capital funds, including investment capital, venture capital, seed capital, start-up capital, and working capital. Investment capital refers to the financial resources used to buy shares in an already existing company or to invest in a new company. Venture capital refers to investment capital used to fund start-ups or small businesses with high growth potential. Seed capital refers to the initial investment in a new business or idea. Start-up capital refers to funds used to start a new business, while working capital refers to the money used to operate a business's daily expenses.

Synonyms for Capital funds:

What are the hypernyms for Capital funds?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for capital funds?

Antonyms for the phrase capital funds could include liabilities, debts or expenses. These are financial terms that denote the negative aspects of financial management of a company. Liabilities refer to the amount a company owes to others, while debts refer to the money that companies borrow to finance their operations. Expenses are costs incurred to run a business, such as salaries or utility bills. While all these terms represent the opposite of capital funds, they are an essential part of financial management as a balance between assets and liabilities is critical to success.

What are the antonyms for Capital funds?

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