What is another word for chanced on?

Pronunciation: [t͡ʃˈanst ˈɒn] (IPA)

The phrase "chanced on" means to discover something unintentionally or unexpectedly. There are various synonyms that could be used to replace this phrase such as stumbled upon, came across, happened upon, found, uncovered, detected, detected, or revealed. Each of these synonyms holds a slightly different connotation or implication. For instance, "stumbled upon" implies a sense of surprise, clumsiness, or unexpectedness, while "uncovered" implies a sense of revealing something that was hidden. Using synonyms in your writing can improve readability and variety, giving the reader a better sense of the intended meaning.

Synonyms for Chanced on:

What are the hypernyms for Chanced on?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for chanced on?

Chanced on is an expression that typically represents the notion of occurring by accident or coincidentally. Its antonyms are best represented by planned or deliberate actions. Some of the terms that can be used to contrast chanced on include "intentional," "deliberate," "purposeful," "premeditated," "consciously," and "calculated." These words imply that the events or actions were the direct result of previous decisions or preparations. In contrast, chanced on is used when something occurs by happenstance, without any intended purpose, design, or preparation. It is important to understand and utilize such antonyms appropriately to ensure clear communication and an accurate depiction of the scenario.

What are the antonyms for Chanced on?

Famous quotes with Chanced on

  • Until last year, although this town was barely fifty miles from Denver, the road had been bad and only a handful of visitors had chanced on it. The increasing tendency for people to take mountain vacations, however, since the sea had become too filthy to be tolerable, could not be ignored. The road now was excellent and the area had exploded.
    John Brunner

Related words: chance on, happened across, found by chance, found by accident

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