What is another word for city of light?

Pronunciation: [sˈɪti ɒv lˈa͡ɪt] (IPA)

The phrase "city of light" is often associated with the French capital, Paris, due to its nickname "La Ville-Lumiere". However, there are many other synonyms that can be used to describe other cities around the world. For example, Venice has been known as the "city of water" due to its network of canals and waterways. Florence, Italy has been called the "city of art" due to its rich cultural history and artistic heritage. In the US, Las Vegas has been dubbed the "city of sin" due to its reputation for gambling and entertainment. Tokyo, Japan is sometimes referred to as the "city of neon" due to its brightly lit streets at night.

What are the hypernyms for City of light?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the holonyms for City of light?

Holonyms are words that denote a whole whose part is denoted by another word.

What are the meronyms for City of light?

Meronyms are words that refer to a part of something, where the whole is denoted by another word.

Famous quotes with City of light

  • We made it known that we were trying to show the reality of France. People think of Paris as the city of love or the city of light, but where you got love you got hate, where you got light you got darkness.
    Mathieu Kassovitz

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