What is another word for clovenfooted?

Pronunciation: [klˈə͡ʊvənfˌʊtɪd] (IPA)

Clovenfooted means an animal with a divided hoof, such as a cow or a goat. Some synonyms for clovenfooted include split hoofed, bifurcated, bipartite, and divided-hooved. Another synonym is ruminant, which refers to animals that chew their cud, such as cows and sheep. The term ungulate also applies to animals with hooves, although it encompasses animals with both cloven and solid hooves. Some other related words are coltish, frisky, and lively, which describe the energetic nature of some clovenfooted animals. All of these synonyms help to paint a picture of the various features and characteristics of these intriguing creatures.

What are the opposite words for clovenfooted?

The term "clovenfooted" typically refers to animals that have been split hoofed. However, there are antonyms for this term that describe animals without split hooves. For instance, the term "solid-hoofed" implies that the animal has hooves that are not split. Other antonyms include "single-hoofed," "ungulate," and "monodactyl." The term "monodactyl" is used to describe animals with a single toe or digit, which typically have undivided hooves. In essence, "clovenfooted" and its antonyms serve as descriptors of different types of hooves present in various animals.

What are the antonyms for Clovenfooted?

Related words: cloven foot, cloven-footed, pig's foot, hoof, cow's hoof, cow's foot

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