What is another word for companionableness?

Pronunciation: [kəmpˈani͡ənəbə͡lnəs] (IPA)

Companionableness, referring to the quality of being sociable and friendly, has a host of synonyms that can be used interchangeably. Some examples include affability, geniality, congeniality, conviviality, and sociability. All of these terms describe someone who is easy to be around, enjoys spending time with others, and possesses a welcoming demeanor. Other synonyms for companionableness include cordiality, warmth, and amiability. Each of these words conveys a positive attitude and suggests that the person is approachable and welcoming to those around them. In short, companionableness is an essential trait for building relationships and forming strong connections with others, and there are many ways to express this quality through language.

What are the hypernyms for Companionableness?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

Usage examples for Companionableness

Very curious was the conflict in her face; her strong natural companionableness, her suspicion of him, and her sense of the dignity which her situation demanded, contending together.
"A Dozen Ways Of Love"
Lily Dougall
By a pretended affability he had succeeded in lulling their first alarm, and in restoring Count Egmont in particular to his former perfect confidence, for which purpose he artfully employed his sons, Ferdinand and Frederick of Toledo, whose companionableness and youth assimilated more easily with the Flemish character.
"The Revolt of The Netherlands, Complete"
Frederich Schiller
But before we realize its greatness, we realize its pleasantness, its companionableness.
"Dr. Johnson and His Circle"
John Bailey

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