What is another word for cover all bases?

Pronunciation: [kˈʌvəɹ ˈɔːl bˈe͡ɪsɪz] (IPA)

The phrase "cover all bases" refers to the act of taking every possible precaution, in order to ensure the success of a project or venture. Some synonyms for this phrase include being thorough, leaving no stone unturned, being exhaustive, being comprehensive, being all-encompassing, and being meticulous. Each of these words means paying close attention to every detail and ensuring that nothing is overlooked. They all convey the sense of being diligent and exhaustive in one's efforts, to ensure a successful outcome. Whether you're planning a project, preparing for an exam, or embarking on a new venture, it's important to cover all bases to ensure your success.

Synonyms for Cover all bases:

What are the hypernyms for Cover all bases?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.
  • Other hypernyms:

    encompass, be thorough, be comprehensive, be exhaustive, encompass everything, leave nothing out, think of everything.

What are the opposite words for cover all bases?

The phrase "cover all bases" generally means to thoroughly address and prepare for all possible scenarios. Antonyms for this phrase would be to "take shortcuts" or "cut corners", meaning to not fully address all possible outcomes and instead take easier or faster routes. Another antonym could be "ignoring possibilities", which means to disregard potential problems or situations that could arise. Lastly, "half-hearted attempts" could be an antonym for "cover all bases", suggesting a lack of effort or dedication in preparing for possible outcomes. Overall, the antonyms suggest a lack of thoroughness and preparation.

What are the antonyms for Cover all bases?

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