I will satisfy myself by observing that my error was such, that in abandoning my children to public education for want of the means of bringing them up myself; in Destining them to become workmen and peasants, rather than adventurers and fortune-hunters, I thought I acted like an honest citizen, and a good father, and considered myself as a member of the republic of Plato.
"The Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, Book VIII."
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Your wishes, which are laws to me, will justify my Destining a copy for you, otherwise, I should as soon have thought of sending you a horn-book; for there is no truth in it which is not familiar to you, and its errors I should hardly have proposed to treat you with.
"Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson"
Thomas Jefferson
When the Almighty placed human beings upon the earth, he created one man and one woman, Destining them to be the progenitors of the entire race, thereby indicating that monogamy was of Divine appointment.
"Woman: Man's Equal"
Thomas Webster