What is another word for Digressing?

Pronunciation: [da͡ɪɡɹˈɛsɪŋ] (IPA)

The term "digressing" means to move off the central theme or subject. Synonyms for "digressing" include straying, meandering, wandering, diverging, deviating, branching off, going off on a tangent. The word "straying" means to move away from the topic or subject. To "meander" means to take a winding or indirect path. "Wandering" refers to deviating from the point or subject. "Diverging" means to split or separate from the theme. "Deviating" means to depart from the subject, while "branching off" means to go off in a different direction. Lastly, "going off on a tangent" means to start discussing a different topic altogether.

Synonyms for Digressing:

What are the hypernyms for Digressing?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

Usage examples for Digressing

"Patience till my work is completed, and then you will see that, however much I may seem to have been Digressing, I have always kept strictly to the point.
"Daniel Defoe"
William Minto
Instead of losing himself by Digressing from his subject and by placing himself on the summits of psychology, he remains with us, puts himself on the level of the most humble among us, and says to us all: "The best way to use common sense in daily life consists in declaring one's honest intentions.
"Common Sense Subtitle: How To Exercise It"
If in a strange wood, and you get separated from him, he will often whinny; but I am Digressing.
"Memoirs of Orange Jacobs"
Orange Jacobs

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