What is another word for dis embarrasses?

Pronunciation: [dˈɪs ɛmbˈaɹəsɪz] (IPA)

The word "dis embarrasses" means to cause someone to feel ashamed or awkward. There are several synonyms that can be used instead of this word depending on the context. One alternative could be "humiliate," which implies a more intense level of shame. "Mortify" can also be used, indicating a feeling of deep embarrassment. "Chagrin" is another synonym, conveying a sense of disappointment or frustration. "Fluster" can be used to describe a more temporary state of embarrassment or confusion. Overall, there are several options available to describe the act of causing someone to feel embarrassed, each with their own unique nuances.

What are the hypernyms for Dis embarrasses?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for dis embarrasses?

The term 'disembarrasses' means to relieve someone of their embarrassment or awkwardness. The antonyms of dis embarrasses are words that have the opposite meaning. These words include 'humiliates', 'shames', 'mortifies', 'embarrasses' and 'disconcerts'. These emotions can be brought on in a variety of ways, including public humiliation, ridicule, or a sense of inadequacy. It is important to consider our actions and words carefully to avoid causing unnecessary pain to those around us. Being kind and compassionate can help to alleviate feelings of embarrassment and discomfort, making the world a nicer place for all.

What are the antonyms for Dis embarrasses?

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