What is another word for Discrown?

Pronunciation: [dɪskɹˈa͡ʊn] (IPA)

Discrown is a term that refers to an action of removing or depriving a monarch or a ruler of their crown and power. This action can be performed in a variety of ways, such as a revolt, a coup, or a legal procedure. There are several synonyms for the word discrown, such as dethrone, depose, overthrow, unseat, strip, and dispossess. All these terms imply the removal of someone from their position of power and authority. In addition, these words can be used in different contexts, such as politics, business, or personal relationships, to describe the act of losing influence or control over a particular situation.

Synonyms for Discrown:

What are the hypernyms for Discrown?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for Discrown?

Discrown, meaning to remove or deprive of a crown or royal status, is a word with few direct antonyms. However, there are several related words with opposite meanings. Enthroning, coronating, or crowning represent the act of giving someone a crown or royal status, and could be seen as antonyms to removing or discrowning. Similarly, honoring, exalting, or lauding someone could be seen as the opposite of discrowning, as these describe showing respect, admiration or praise. Overall, while discrown may not have many direct antonyms, there are several related words that represent the opposite meaning.

What are the antonyms for Discrown?

Usage examples for Discrown

"Do not Discrown me.
"At the Mercy of Tiberius"
August Evans Wilson
He will then proceed to plunder and Discrown the very kings that had assisted him in erecting his colossal power.
"Monks, Popes, and their Political Intrigues"
John Alberger
It was universally suspected that Henry meant to destroy and Discrown the Habsburgs, and it lay not in the schemes of Maximilian to suffer the whole Catholic policy to be bound to the fortunes of that one family.
"The Life of John of Barneveld, 1609-15, Volume I."
John Lothrop Motley Last Updated: February 7, 2009

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