The nursery was as neat as a pin, with a lovely bright rocking-horse upon which Nancy had never ridden; a pink doll's-house with every modern contrivance, whose doors had never been opened; a number of expensive dolls, which had never been Disrobed.
"The Golden Scarecrow"
Hugh Walpole
By the time she was Disrobed, however, that same sensation, as of utter weariness, came over her, and she concluded to retire for the night, telling Molly-who soon came up-that she was tired and thought she had better get some rest.
"Sara, a Princess"
Fannie E. Newberry
I had Disrobed her previously, and she said she should retire as soon as she drank her coffee.
"Madeline Payne, the Detective's Daughter"
Lawrence L. Lynch