What is another word for doth a slow burn?

Pronunciation: [dʌθ ɐ slˈə͡ʊ bˈɜːn] (IPA)

"Doth a slow burn" is an idiom used to describe a person who is gradually becoming more and more angry or frustrated over time. Some synonyms that could be used to convey this same meaning could include "simmering with rage," "fuming quietly," "seething with frustration," or "smoldering with resentment." These phrases all suggest an underlying anger or dissatisfaction that is slowly building up and will eventually need to be expressed. When someone "doth a slow burn," they may appear calm on the surface, but you can tell that something deeper is going on beneath the surface.

Synonyms for Doth a slow burn:

What are the hypernyms for Doth a slow burn?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for doth a slow burn?

There are several antonyms for the phrase "doth a slow burn." Instead of simmering with anger or frustration, one could be feeling extremely happy, content, or elated. Other potential antonyms include feelings of indifference, apathy, or detachment. Rather than bottling up emotions, one might instead express them openly and honestly, practicing good communication skills. This could lead to a lack of tension and an overall atmosphere of peace and tranquility. Ultimately, the opposite of "doth a slow burn" is any emotional state that is the opposite of simmering anger or frustration, whether it be happy, indifferent, or openly communicative.

What are the antonyms for Doth a slow burn?

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