What is another word for drenching?

Pronunciation: [dɹˈɛnt͡ʃɪŋ] (IPA)

Drenching refers to soaking or saturating something completely with liquid. Some synonyms for drenching include soaking, wetting, saturating, flooding, deluging, and inundating. These words can be used interchangeably to convey the idea of something being thoroughly drenched in liquid. Other synonyms for drenching that can be used in different contexts include submerging, immersing, steeping, and bathing. The use of different synonyms can add variety and depth to your writing, helping you to better convey the intended meaning of the text. Whether you're describing a rainstorm or someone getting soaked by a wave, having multiple synonyms for drenching can help you write more effectively.

Synonyms for Drenching:

What are the hypernyms for Drenching?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the hyponyms for Drenching?

Hyponyms are more specific words categorized under a broader term, known as a hypernym.
  • hyponyms for drenching (as nouns)

Usage examples for Drenching

Edwin was pitched into the front seat, the mermaid shot past him and fell on a clump of green turf and the tub of water upset, and, in seeking an outlet, poured over the car, drenching Edwin.
"The Mermaid of Druid Lake and Other Stories"
Charles Weathers Bump
In the first case she might get entangled in the ropes and be seized with the linen folds, and in the other she would get a thorough drenching and also would be carried away, as Stas, though beyond comparison stronger, with the greatest difficulty could keep on his feet.
"In Desert and Wilderness"
Henryk Sienkiewicz
Nasmyth stood outside the shanty in the drenching rain.
"The Greater Power"
Harold Bindloss W. Herbert Dunton

Famous quotes with Drenching

  • From his hole so wet and drenching
    Aaro Hellaakoski

Related words: drenching rain, drenching clothes, drenching a carpet, drenching rain coats, drenching a chicken

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  • What does drenching mean?
  • How is drenching different than soaking?
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