Many new chemical elements were discovered, beginnings were made on the electrochemical series of the elements, the electric arc and incandescent platinum wires suggested the possibilities of electric lighting, and various electrochemical observations gave promise of other practical applications such as metal-refining, Electroplating, and quantity production of certain gases.
"The Earliest Electromagnetic Instruments"
Robert A. Chipman
This metal is much employed in Electroplating, and somewhat in coloring glass.
"An Introduction to Chemical Science"
R.P. Williams
In early days, as we know, he had worked at Electroplating, and the natural bent of his intellect was towards mechanical and physical science; by dint of experimenting at his old pursuit, he persuaded himself, or at all events attained plausibility for the persuading of others, that he had discovered a new and valuable method of plating with nickel, He gave it out that he was in search of a partner to join him in putting this method into practice.
"The Nether World"
George Gissing