It was a Fete champetre, to be given by Sir Frederick Dayrell, lord of the manor of Fulmere-at which a grand flight of falcons was to form part of the entertainment.
"The White Gauntlet"
Mayne Reid
All this country is stocked with a great variety of small birds, such as finches, fly-catchers, thrushes, and the ubiquitous sparrow, as well as their natural enemies, eagles, hawks, and falcons,-birds of prey which exhibit most wonderful sagacity in seeking for victims with which to appease their appetites.
"The Pearl of India"
Maturin M. Ballou
From this it will be seen that the Roebuck's guns, considering the peaceful service she was upon, were probably known to her company as "sakers" and "falcons."
"The Naval Pioneers of Australia"
Louis Becke and Walter Jeffery