What is another word for filter coffee?

Pronunciation: [fˈɪltə kˈɒfɪ] (IPA)

Filter coffee is a popular style of coffee appreciated around the world. However, there are several synonyms for filter coffee, depending on the country and region one is in. One commonly used term is drip coffee, as the brewing process involves hot water dripping through a filter and into a carafe. Others refer to it as pour-over coffee, as the hot water is poured over the coffee grounds. French press or cafetiere coffee is another synonym, as it involves steeping coffee grounds in hot water and using a plunger to filter out the coffee. No matter what you choose to call it, filter coffee remains a beloved morning beverage for many.

Synonyms for Filter coffee:

What are the hypernyms for Filter coffee?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

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