Mrs. Haughton nodded Flutteringly, for, as the gentleman closed his request, and tapped a large gold snuff-box, Darrell stood before her- Lionel close at his side, looking positively sheepish.
"What Will He Do With It, Book 7."
Edward Bulwer-Lytton
In the astounding repose that came on her face, nothing moved but the delicate nostrils that expanded and collapsed quickly, Flutteringly, in interrupted beats, like the wings of a snared bird.
"An Outcast of the Islands"
Joseph Conrad
But that pulse of busy life beat never the cooler for all the cool aspect of the place and the grave shade of wisdom that lingered there; nay, it throbbed faster and more Flutteringly.
"Hills of the Shatemuc"
Susan Warner