What is another word for fore-doomed?

Pronunciation: [fˈɔːdˈuːmd] (IPA)

The word "fore-doomed" means to be destined or fated to a negative outcome. Synonyms for this word include words like doomed, destined, predestined, fated, foreordained, predetermined, and predetermined. Similarly, other synonyms for the word "fore-doomed" include words like ill-fated, ill-omened, cursed, unlucky, jinxed, and doomed from the start. These words all describe feelings of failure, or the idea that bad things are bound to happen no matter what one does. In literature and storytelling, the concept of being fore-doomed is often used to build tension and create a sense of impending tragedy.

What are the hypernyms for Fore-doomed?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for fore-doomed?

The word "fore-doomed" means to be destined for failure or misfortune. Antonyms for "fore-doomed" would be words that suggest a positive, hopeful outlook. Some antonyms for "fore-doomed" could be "optimistic," "hopeful," or "fulfilled." These words suggest that a person or situation has a bright future ahead and that all their efforts and hard work will pay off. Another set of antonyms could include words like "fortunate," "successful," or "fortunate," which suggest a strong possibility of positive outcomes or success. By using antonyms to the word "fore-doomed," one can evoke a sense of optimism and positivity in their writing or speech.

What are the antonyms for Fore-doomed?

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