What is another word for friendlies?

Pronunciation: [fɹˈɛndliz] (IPA)

The term "friendlies" often refers to friendly matches in sports or military operations. However, there are a few synonyms for this term that can be used in different contexts. Some of the words that can be used instead of "friendlies" include amiable, cordial, affable, sociable, genial, and convivial. These words convey the idea of warmth and kindness in a relationship, whether it is between people, nations, or organizations. Other synonyms may include congenial, hospitable, neighborly, and pleasant. Each of these words captures a different aspect of friendly behavior, ensuring that there is always an appropriate synonym to use in every situation.

Synonyms for Friendlies:

What are the hypernyms for Friendlies?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

Famous quotes with Friendlies

  • The friendlies were South Vietnamese women and children, helpless victims in a war they did not understand.
    John Whitehead

Related words: friendly, friendliness, antagonistic, un-friendly, unfriendly

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