What is another word for full-court press?

Pronunciation: [fˈʊlkˈɔːt pɹˈɛs] (IPA)

Full-court press is a term used in sports to describe a type of defense or offense that involves putting maximum pressure on the opposing team. In business, it is used to describe a tactic of aggressive marketing or sales efforts. However, there are several synonyms for this term. For instance, in basketball, it is also known as man-to-man defense or trapping defense. In sales, full-court press can be referred to as hard sell, pushy tactics, or aggressive marketing. Furthermore, this strategy can be referred to as all-out-effort, go-big-or-go-home, or maximum effort. Regardless of the term used, the full-court press is a technique that involves a lot of energy and effort to achieve an objective.

What are the hypernyms for Full-court press?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.
  • Other hypernyms:

    defensive strategy, basketball strategy, basketball tactic.

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