What is another word for gentle sarcasm?

Pronunciation: [d͡ʒˈɛntə͡l sˈɑːkazəm] (IPA)

Gentle sarcasm is a unique form of sarcasm that involves subtle humor and wit without causing any offense. Some synonyms for gentle sarcasm could include dry humor, subtle irony, playful teasing, or good-natured ribbing. Other terms that could be associated with gentle sarcasm include wry wit, tongue-in-cheek humor, light-hearted banter, or clever satire. Essentially, gentle sarcasm is a form of humor that doesn't take itself too seriously and doesn't seek to hurt anyone's feelings. It's a subtle and playful way to poke fun at something or someone while still showing appreciation and respect.

Synonyms for Gentle sarcasm:

What are the hypernyms for Gentle sarcasm?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

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