What is another word for gotten off course?

Pronunciation: [ɡˈɒtən ˈɒf kˈɔːs] (IPA)

When we say someone has "gotten off course," we mean that they have deviated from the original plan or goal. There are many synonyms that can be used for this phrase, each conveying a slightly different meaning. Some options include "strayed," "wandered," "veered," "drifted," "diverged," "deviated," "misdirected," "sidetracked," "off track," and "lost sight of." Each of these words implies a different level of intentionality and severity of the deviation. For example, "strayed" suggests a unintentional mistake, while "misdirected" implies a conscious decision. By choosing the right synonym, we can more accurately convey the extent and nature of the deviation.

What are the hypernyms for Gotten off course?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for gotten off course?

"Gotten off course" is a phrase that indicates someone or something has deviated from the intended path or objective. Antonyms for this phrase would therefore include terms like "on track," "on course," or "following the correct path." These words suggest a sense of direction, progress, and focus, all of which represent the opposite of being "off course." Other antonyms might include "on target," "in line," or "aligned with goals," all of which emphasize a sense of alignment and purpose. Overall, antonyms for "gotten off course" suggest the presence of a clear plan or purpose, and a steadfast commitment to achieving it.

What are the antonyms for Gotten off course?

Related words: get back on course, lost my course, get back on track, get back on track with my course, what are my study goals, what is my course objective, what is the goal of this course

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