What is another word for grope?

Pronunciation: [ɡɹˈə͡ʊp] (IPA)

The word "grope" typically has negative connotations as it refers to the act of touching or feeling around in a clumsy or inappropriate manner, often in a sexual context. However, there are other synonyms that can be used to convey similar meanings without the negative connotations. For instance, "explore" can be used to describe a more innocent or curious form of touching or feeling. "Probe" can also be used to indicate a more scientific or analytical form of investigation. "Search" or "hunt" can be used in a broader sense to describe the act of looking for something or someone. In any case, it is important to use language that is respectful and appropriate in any given context.

Synonyms for Grope:

What are the hypernyms for Grope?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the hyponyms for Grope?

Hyponyms are more specific words categorized under a broader term, known as a hypernym.

What are the opposite words for grope?

The word 'grope' is often associated with touching or feeling something or someone in a clumsy, uncertain or inappropriate manner. The antonyms for this word relate to exploring or interacting with things or people in a more intentional and respectful manner. Words like 'explore,' 'examine' or 'survey' are antonyms for 'grope' when referring to the purposeful exploration of a new area or the thorough examination of an object. Similarly, words like 'respect', 'honour', 'praise', or 'admire' are antonyms when describing how we interact with people. These antonyms show that there are respectful ways to engage with the world around us, and that groping is never an acceptable behaviour.

What are the antonyms for Grope?

Usage examples for Grope

And my throat seems thick with the cell-dust, And for guidance I grope to the walls, And after my moment of light I want to go back to the Dark, Since the Open still makes me afraid, And silence seems best in the sun, And song in the dusk!
"Open Water"
Arthur Stringer
One must grope ahead, like a child going into a cellar, but if one feared the dark, then the thing would become intolerable.
"I Walked in Arden"
Jack Crawford
Like every conversation on elevated subjects which does not blindly grope on the surface of a question, so the present one soon led us to the discussion of the most mysterious depths of human nature.
"The Dead Lake and Other Tales"
Paul Heyse

Famous quotes with Grope

  • The mark of a true crush... is that you fall in love first and grope for reasons afterward.
    Shana Alexander
  • Call it vanity, call it arrogant presumption, call it what you wish, but I would grope for the nearest open grave if I had no newspaper to work for, no need to search for and sometimes find the winged word that just fits, no keen wonder over what each unfolding day may bring.
    Bob Considine
  • It's like you asked me about the depression thing: you grope towards an understanding of whatever it is your going through, and it's not personal, there are forces in play around you, and you seek to understand them and that way you can go on.
    Bob Geldof
  • Is it not evident that the Canadas, as well as the other colonies, have been left in a great measure to grope their way as they could through the darkness which surrounds them, almost totally unaided by the parent state?
    John Strachan
  • I have never felt that I had a thought too profound for others to understand. On the contrary, it always seemed to me axiomatic that what was clear to me should be clear and easy to everyone else. This despite the fact that it often took me years to grope my way to an idea.... I can spend days and even months on a single sentence. I do not know how to skip. To think and write with me is like putting brick on brick.
    Eric Hoffer

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