What is another word for hang out at?

Pronunciation: [hˈaŋ ˈa͡ʊt at] (IPA)

There are many synonyms for the phrase "hang out at" which can add some variety to your vocabulary. Some of these synonyms include "chill at", "lounge around", "spend time at", "loaf about", "sit around", "idle at", "saunter around", "bum around", "dawdle at", "dally around", and "linger at". Using different synonyms for "hang out at" helps to create some variety in your writing or conversation and keeps things interesting. So why not try to incorporate some of these synonyms into your everyday language and see how it changes your communication style?

Synonyms for Hang out at:

What are the hypernyms for Hang out at?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for hang out at?

Hang out at is a phrasal verb commonly used to express spending time in a particular place with friends or acquaintances. However, there are several antonyms that signify the opposite of hang out at, such as avoid, shun, neglect, forsake, and ignore. These words suggest actions that involve staying away from a particular location or person intentionally. For example, if someone is avoiding or neglecting a place, it means they are not interested in being there or having social interactions with people in that location. In contrast, hang out at implies a desire for socializing and spending time with others. Therefore, it is essential to choose the right word that fits the context of the situation.

What are the antonyms for Hang out at?

Famous quotes with Hang out at

  • Until very recently men and women inhabited very separate spheres. There was always interconnection, passion, love. But men and women didn't hang out at the end of the day and chat about what their day was like at the office.
    Anita Diament
  • We didn't have a phone when I was a kid, and I was too shy to smash any public phones, and our town didn't have a pool hall either, so I had to hang out at the public library - and anyway, I told myself stories.
    John Sladek
  • During my controlled near-death experiences, I’ve met Sir Isaac Newton, who died back in 1727 as often as I’ve met Saint Peter. They both hang out at the Heaven end of the blue tunnel of the Afterlife. Saint Peter is there because it’s his job. Sir Isaac is there because of his insatiable curiosity about what the blue tunnel is, how the blue tunnel works. It isn’t enough for Newton that during his eighty-five years on Earth he invented calculus, codified and quantified the laws of gravity, motion and optics, and designed the first reflecting telescope. He can’t forgive himself for having left it to Darwin to come up with the theory of evolution, to Pasteur to come up with the germ theory, and to Albert Einstein to come up with relativity. “I must have been deaf, dumb, and blind not to have come up with those myself,” he said to me. “What could have been more obvious?”
    Kurt Vonnegut

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