What is another word for hast earmarks of?

Pronunciation: [hˈe͡ɪst ˈi͡əmɑːks ɒv] (IPA)

There are multiple synonyms for the phrase "hast earmarks of." Some of these include "shows signs of," "bears resemblance to," "appears to have the traits of," "displays indications of," and "seems to possess characteristics of." These synonyms can help add variety to writing and prevent repetition of the same phrase. Additionally, using synonyms can enhance the clarity and precision of the language. When trying to convey a particular message or establish a tone, using the right synonym can make a significant difference in the impact of the statement. Ultimately, using a range of synonyms for "hast earmarks of" can enrich writing and help it to stand out.

What are the hypernyms for Hast earmarks of?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for hast earmarks of?

The phrase "hast earmarks of" implies that something or someone has characteristics or qualities that suggest a particular outcome or potential. Antonyms for this phrase could include "lacks" or "is devoid of" to suggest a lack of qualities or characteristics that might indicate a particular outcome. Alternatively, "disproves" or "refutes" could be antonyms, implying that evidence or circumstances contradict any suggestion of a particular outcome. "Ambiguous" or "indeterminate" could also be antonyms, suggesting a lack of clarity or certainty about potential outcomes. Ultimately, the choice of antonym will depend on the context and specific meaning of the phrase "hast earmarks of" in a given situation.

What are the antonyms for Hast earmarks of?

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