What is another word for healths?

Pronunciation: [hˈɛlθs] (IPA)

The word "healths" can have various synonyms that can be used depending on the context and nature of the subject. Some commonly used alternatives include wellbeing, fitness, soundness, strength, vitality, wholeness, and wellness. All these terms are related to the physical, mental and emotional well-being of an individual. For instance, fitness generally indicates a person's level of physical activity and strength, while wellbeing encompasses overall mental and physical health. Similarly, soundness indicates a stable state of health, vitality signifies energy and liveliness, wholeness denotes completeness, and wellness emphasizes a state of balance and harmony in one's life. These synonyms help in expressing the concept of "healths" in different ways while conveying the same meaning.

What are the hypernyms for Healths?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

Usage examples for Healths

"The voyage 'll do their healths good; and then, we're gittun' away from that miser'ble pack o' servants that was eatun' us up, there in New York.
"A Hazard of New Fortunes, Part Fifth"
William Dean Howells
It was a protracted banquet, and a merry one withal; there was a perfect Babel of noise; and the excellent old custom of drinking healths with distant friends was freely adopted.
"Prince Fortunatus"
William Black
It had been a special night, and a few extra toasts had been proposed, notably the healths of Sir Matthew Bray and his lady, it having leaked out that the young baronet had at last led the fair Lady Drelincourt to the altar, with all her charms.
"The Master of the Ceremonies"
George Manville Fenn

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