What is another word for highway robber?

Pronunciation: [hˈa͡ɪwe͡ɪ ɹˈɒbə] (IPA)

Highway robber is a term used to refer to a person who loots travelers on highways. Some synonyms for this term include highwayman, bandit, brigand, robber, marauder, outlaw, pirate, thug and raider. All these words denote the act of stealing possessions from people traveling on highways and are used interchangeably to describe such offenders. The term highway robber has been used for centuries to describe individuals who use their strength and weapons to rob people of their belongings while they are traveling. These synonyms can be used to describe stories and legends of famous highway robbers, as well as characters in fictional books and movies.

What are the hypernyms for Highway robber?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for highway robber?

The term "highway robber" refers to someone who steals from travelers on the road. While this phrase may seem straightforward, there are a number of antonyms that can be used to describe the opposite of a highway robber. These include law-abiding citizen, protector, and defender. A law-abiding citizen is someone who follows the rules and laws of society, and would not engage in any criminal activities such as robbery. A protector is someone who safeguards others, ensuring their safety and wellbeing. A defender is someone who fights for justice and stands up against wrongdoing. These antonyms highlight the importance of honesty, integrity, and justice in our society.

What are the antonyms for Highway robber?

Famous quotes with Highway robber

  • If a man cannot stand up in Charleston or Savannah or Richmond and say that he believes the right of every man to the enjoyment of life, liberty, and happiness to be self-evident ; if he be tarred and feathered for saying it, or ridden upon a rail, or ducked in a horse-pond, or driven out of his pulpit or professorial chair, or shot down in his office, or waited upon by a committee who cannot be answerable for the chivalric impatience of their fellow-citizens — Mr. Douglas says it is a proof that his political principles are ruinous and fatal; which is simply the argument of a highway robber to his victim whom he knocks on the head, that if he didn't carry so much money in his pocket he wouldn't be robbed.
    George William Curtis

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