What is another word for histaminase?

Pronunciation: [hˈɪstɐmˌɪne͡ɪs] (IPA)

Histaminase is an enzyme that breaks down histamine in the body. While there are not many direct synonyms for the word, there are some related terms that may be useful. For example, histamine-N-methyltransferase is another enzyme that is involved in the breakdown of histamine. Additionally, antihistamines are medications that can block the effects of histamine in the body. Some types of antihistamines are H1 receptor antagonists, H2 receptor antagonists, and mast cell stabilizers. Overall, while there may not be many direct alternatives to the term 'histaminase', there are related terms that can provide context and help build a more complete understanding of histamine and its role in the body.

Synonyms for Histaminase:

  • n.

  • Other relevant words:

    Other relevant words (noun):

What are the hypernyms for Histaminase?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the hyponyms for Histaminase?

Hyponyms are more specific words categorized under a broader term, known as a hypernym.
  • hyponyms for histaminase (as nouns)

Related words: histamine intolerance, histamine level, histamine, histamine intolerance symptoms, histamine intolerance cure, what are histamine enzymes, what are histamine receptors, what are histamine blockers, symptoms of histamine intolerance, high histamine foods, low histamine foods

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