Gullet, 7, 9, 12, 13, 15, 134, 135. Habit, regularity of physical, 19. Hair, 70, 171, 172 and note; care of, 172, 193, 194; diseases of, and scalp, 191, 193. Ham, 54, 55. Hammer, 267. "Ham-string" muscle, 208. Hang nail, 189. Headache, 235-237, 264. Heart, alcohol and, 99, 123, 124; beat, 9, 13, 117, 118, 119, 126-129; blood vessels connecting with, 111, 112; care of, 122; disease of, 123-128; exercise and, 120-122, 241, 243; function of, 108; nerves and, 126-128; repairing power of, 122, 123; structure and action of, 115-117, 118, 119; tea and coffee and, 128. Heart-burn, 13. Heat of body, normal, 175; radiation of, 175-177. Heating, 149, 151. Hemispheres, 216. Hives, 59. Hookworm, 191-193. Humerus, 213. Humus, risks to water from, 73, 74. Hydrophobia, 287, 318. Hygiene, 1-3. hyperopia, 262, 264. Influenza.
"A Handbook of Health"
Woods Hutchinson
He wore spectacles to correct a slight hyperopia, and they had heavy black rims because he knew his patients expected it.
"Freudian Slip"
Franklin Abel