Although at first sight this appears a direct infringement on the Imprescriptible rights of property, it must be considered that in some cases individual interests ought to be sacrificed to the general good, and that the balance used, when treating of the affairs of State, is never of that rigid kind as if applied to those of minor consideration.
"The Former Philippines thru Foreign Eyes"
Tomás de Comyn Fedor Jagor Rudolf Ludwig Carl Virchow Charles Wilkes
Do not rate yourselves so high above him, many of you who imagine that you have an Imprescriptible right to his obedience; for you yourselves are the most incomplete and the least seeing of men.
"Selections from the Prose Works of Matthew Arnold"
Matthew Arnold
Constitution of Pennsylvania, article 9, paragraph 3: All men have received from Nature the Imprescriptible right to worship the Almighty according to the dictates of their conscience, and nobody may legally be constrained to follow, to institute, or to support, against his will, any religious cult or ministry.
"Selected Essays"
Karl Marx